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 Keeping A Kitty Fit

February 1, 2025

Did you know that cats may sleep more than any other animal on the globe? Only a few bats, possums, and teenagers sleep longer. Your pet’s napping obsession makes her easier to care for. However, even the laziest ball of fur will require some form of physical activity to keep healthy. In this article from Hassayampa Veterinary Services, serving Wickenburg and the surrounding communities, a local veterinarian offers some tips on how to keep your cat fit.  

How Can I Keep My Cat Fit?

Getting Fluffy to run around the kitchen is not likely to be successful. You can put her on a treadmill, but she’ll probably fall asleep rather than start jogging. Your best approach is to provide toys and playtime.

Fluffy’s instincts will serve you well here. Cats are natural predators, therefore they have an instinctual need to chase things. (They are also naturally inclined to jump on our toes and bat at our shoelaces, but that’s another story.) Just taking a few minutes each day to hold a wand toy or laser pointer for Fluffy can help her stay fit and healthy.

When Should I Play With My Cat?

Kitties are naturally crepuscular, which means they are most active between twilight and dawn. Playing with Fluffy in the mornings and evenings is likely to be the most successful. Of course, this is not a hard and fast rule. You can play with your cat whenever you want!

You won’t have to worry about your kitty companion being too tired. This is one area where dogs and cats differ significantly. Fido will work himself to the point of weariness to satisfy his humans. Fluffy won’t even push herself to the point of becoming mildly exhausted for your sake. As soon as she becomes tired, she stops playing and wanders off in search of her next sunbeam or napping area.

Why Is Kitty Fitness Important?

Staying in shape is equally vital for cats as it is for humans, and for similar reasons. Regular activity is beneficial for your feline friend’s muscles, bones, and heart. It’s also the most effective strategy to prevent feline obesity, which is one of the most serious health risks these cute furballs face. In fact, around 63 percent of pet cats are overweight. That may sound sweet, but it is actually very dangerous. Those additional pounds can create many of the same complications in cats as they do in humans!

Here are some of the effects of obesity:

  • Weakened Immune System
  • Endocrine And Metabolic Disorders
  • Cardiovascular Disease
  • Skin Issues
  • Reproductive Problems
  • Arthritis Cancer
  • Diabetes
  • Heart Disease
  • Hypertension
  • Osteoarthritis
  • Urinary Bladder Stones
  • Anesthesia Complications

Ask your Wickenburg, AZ vet for more information.

How Else Can I Keep My Cat Fit?

Fluffy’s preferred form of exercise is playing, but that is not the only option. You might also get your pet an exercise wheel. These are similar to the smaller ones used for hamsters and gerbils, but are kitty-sized.

It’s also a good idea to get your feline companion some furniture. Cat towers are ideal because they inspire Fluffy to run, jump, and climb.

Another option is to just trick your pet into running! Simply toss one of her toys down the hallway. Your feline pal will probably run after it out of curiosity.

If you have a daring, adventurous cat, you can even try taking her on walks. Be sure to ask your Wickenburg, AZ veterinarian about training and safety precautions.

Why Is My Cat Attacking Me?

This is one area where cats get a little complex. Fluffy is a predator by nature, so she will naturally want to learn the use of her claws and teeth. This is not only enjoyable for her, but also beneficial to her mental and physical health. However, some cats don’t understand that practicing their murder abilities on their humans is impolite. 

If your pet assaults you, immediately quit playing. Say ‘No’ in a stern voice, then ignore her for a bit. You may also say ‘No claws’ or ‘Don’t bite!’ Most kitties will get the hint sooner or later.

Make An Appointment At Our Wickenburg, AZ Pet Clinic 

Have you got any questions about your cat’s health or care? Please don’t hesitate to contact us if you have any queries or issues. As your pet hospital in Wickenburg, AZ, we are here for you!

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