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Benefits of Playing with Your Cat   

Kitties are incredibly delightful pets. Fluffy is not just cute to observe, she is also very charming and playful. In fact, playing with your feline friend is incredibly beneficial both for her physical and mental well-being. In this article from…

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Things To Ask Your Veterinarian

Is your beloved pet scheduled for a visit to your veterinary clinic soon? While many of our patients would prefer to stay at home and nap, or perhaps visit a dog park, regular care will keep your pet much healthier….

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Helping Horses

Are you a horse lover? Mark your calendars for April 26th because it’s Help A Horse Day! This is a great opportunity to show our horse friends some love! Whether you’re actively engaged in their care or just love watching…

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Helping A New Pet Adjust

Are you thinking of getting a new pet in the near future? That’s great! Bringing Fluffy or Fido home is always a fun and exciting experience! However, it’s crucial to understand that significant changes can cause a lot of stress…

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Pet Poison Concerns

March 17th marks the beginning of National Animal Poison Prevention Week this year, highlighting the need for pet safety. Poisonings can happen to any pet and often result in urgent vet visits. However, pet owners can take proactive measures to…

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The Intelligence Of Dogs

How smart is your dog? Some of our canine pals are extremely intelligent. Dogs can learn more than 100 words and gestures on average. Some of them can learn as many as 250 words and gestures, or even more! In…

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